About Us
The Lake Orion Downtown Development Authority (our “DDA”) was established in 1985 under PA 197 of 1975, now PA 57 of 2018, as amended, to revitalize the Village of Lake Orion downtown district. We became a Main Street America Accredited Community in 2006 and have received the prestigious recognition for seventeen years. The DDA utilizes the Main Street Approach, a set of guiding principles for downtown management set forth by the National Main Street Center, as a strong element of its affiliation with Main Street Oakland County, the only county-wide Main Street program in the country. Our work to build the best Downtown in America was extended by resolution through the year 2038.
Our Mission
The mission of the Lake Orion DDA is to enhance the economic potential and preserve the historical character of the Lake Orion DDA District, the heart and hub of the Orion Community, through promotional activities and an organizational structure that focuses on community involvement with local businesses, residents, and other stakeholders. (Re-Affirmed March 2021)
Downtown Lake Orion, Michigan continues to grow and be the heart and hub of the greater Orion community. We connect residents and business through a network of trails, pathways and streetscapes, including the Paint Creek Trail which traverses the route of the original Polly Ann Railway into the historic downtown. Trails, docks, and crossings guide runners, walkers, boaters and bikers along the Paint Creek and Lake Orion lakeshore to enjoy music, recreation, and a downtown life filled with shopping, dining and live entertainment at many different price points. Our walkable community continues to provide accessibility to all with open and barrier-free amenities.
The Lake Orion DDA hosts several family-friendly signature and special events each year that bring our residents, as well as, people from around the state to share in our lake and downtown district. The Lake Orion DDA shows a commitment to fostering arts in our community with a strong partnership with the Orion Art Center.
Our downtown caters to the larger Orion community with many destination businesses that continue to be a mix of local entrepreneurs, franchises and national retailers. The DDA markets our downtown through many different media channels and actively seek new retailers or tenants when the rare vacancy occurs. Our DDA will promote an increasingly dense group of mixed uses along M24 and in the downtown, where new condos and apartments can exist side by side in our wonderfully restored residential and commercial buildings. (Adopted March 2, 2010, revised March 8, 2011, reviewed March 2021)

Images courtesy of Matt Gibb
Lake Orion Is A Main Street America Accredited Program
As a Main Street America accredited program, Lake Orion benefits from:
- Over $80k annually through Main Street services from county, state, and national resources
- Over $50k annually in local, county, state and national recognition
- $100k small business grants, scholarships and programs
- $250k development liquor licenses for downtown restaurants
Downtown Management continues
- Enhanced pedestrian safety – lighting and sidewalks
- Additional parking
- Downtown dumpsters
- More park and event space
Award Winning Community
Lake Orion has received numerous awards for our work in revitalizing and improving our community’s downtown.
These awards include:
Resilient Mainstreet 2024 : Sustainable Mainstreet – 2023
Campaign for Main Street – (#StrongerTogether Orion & Oxford) 2022
Main Street Leader – Ken VanPortfliet 2022
Spirit of Main Street – 2019
Out in the Open – Flint Street Alleyway 2019
Spirit of Main Street – 2017
Reporting Requirements
How are we governed?
Under PA 57, each municipality that has a tax incremented authority as described in the bill must create a website, or use an existing municipality website, that is operated and regularly maintained with access to authority records and documents for the fiscal year beginning on the effective date of the bill. The new general reporting requirements take effect 180 days after the end of an authority’s current fiscal year as of January 1, 2019. For Lake Orion, this is the July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 fiscal year. Visit the Village of Lake Orion website for complete Financial Reports and Information
DDA Board Minutes
DDA Board Minutes
Please clink links below to view documents.
Unless otherwise noted, the DDA Board of Directors meet every second Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM EST in the Village of Lake Orion Council Chambers. Click any of the links below to view Meeting notices, minutes, agendas, and the monthly calendar.
Go to Meetings tab, use drop down menu to access ‘Downtown Development Authority’
Annual Budgets & Audits
Annual budget and audits (on lakeorion.org)
Please clink links below to view documents.
TIF District PA57 Report – 2019
TIF District PA57 Report – 2020
TIF District PA57 Report – 2021
TIF District PA57 Report – 2022
TIF District PA57 Report – 2023
TIF District PA57 Report – 2024
Tax increment revenues not spent within 5 years or 10 years: none at this time.
TIF & Development Plan
Currently adopted development plan and tax increment finance plan, adopted January 2020. Please clink links below to view documents
Authority Staff Information
Lake Orion Downtown Development Authority
Address: 118 N. Broadway
Lake Orion, MI 48362
Phone Number: 248-693-9742
Informational Meetings
The following is provided in the report from each year’s annual informational meetings:
- Contracts and a description of those contracts and other documents related to authority management and services provided to the authority.
- A list of authority accomplishments, including progress on development plan and tax increment plan goals and objectives for the immediately preceding fiscal year.
- A list of authority projects and investments, including active and completed projects for the immediately preceding fiscal year.
- A list of authority events and promotional campaigns for the immediately preceding fiscal year
Informational Meetings Annual Reports
Please clink links below to view documents.
Public Acts
Please clink links below to view documents.
PA 57 of 2018 – Downtown Development Authority
PA 267 of 1976 – Open Meetings Act
PA 442 of 1976 – Freedom of Information Act
Lake Orion Laws
Please clink links below to view documents.
Freedom of Information Act
The Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides all persons (except persons incarcerated in correctional facilities) with access to public records of public bodies. Requests to inspect or obtain copies of public records prepared, owned, used, possessed or retained by the Lake Orion Downtown Development Authority may be submitted to:
In person or in writing: Matthew Gibb, FOIA Coordinator 118 N. Broadway Street, Lake Orion MI 48362
Via Email: gibb@downtownlakeorion.org (making sure all attachments are properly included)
Please clink links below for assitance
Lake Orion DDA FOIA Policy Resolution
Lake Orion DDA FOIA Procedure and Guidelines Public Summary
Lake Orion DDA FOIA Cost Worksheet
Lake Orion DDA FOIA Sample Request Letter
To find publicly available information from any public meeting of the DDA, go to Meetings tab, use drop down menu to access ‘Downtown Development Authority’
Meeting Minutes
Unless otherwise noted, the DDA Board of Directors meet every second Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM EST in the Village of Lake OrionC Council Chambers. Click any of the links below to view Meeting notices, minutes, agendas, and the monthly calendar.