Business Partners Meeting Notes – August 26 2019

Attendees: Joe Young – VLO, Joe Frost – MSOC, Sam Caruso – Caruso Chiropractic, Amanda and Terri Sharp – Down the Rabbit Hole, Tanya Sallade – Lucky’s Natural Foods, Joan Sheridan – Heritage S&W, Bryan Symansic – The Michigan Outfitter, Garrett Hoffman – Mach Studios, Patricia Duke – Love Inc., Kim Rivera – New Moon Visions, Molly LaLone – LODDA

Presentation:  New Moon Visions 
Click here to view presentation 
Click here for handout

M-24 Digital Merchant Tool Kit 
Preview at Business Partners Meeting, Oct 22, 2019
 • Project Facts/Schedule
 • Maps/ Info
 • Contact List
 • Merchant Meet-up Schedule 

Construction Blues

  1. Web page with links to project information published this fall
  2. FB Event Page for the events plus links to more information
  3. Modify Parking map to show alternative routes into town during construction


  1. Dragon on the Lake – what went well and what could be improved?
    1. Need pathways inside the block for Business accessibility
    2. If using S. Broadway, need large attraction at the end to get people down to all the vendors – or don’t go that far south.
    3. Reminder: layout dictated by Fire Department
    4. VLO could provide event layout suggestions to be used by outside event organizers.  It would include where to put portajohns and where pathways should be placed.
  2. (5)Halloween Parade – Tabled
    1. Any businesses want to be Trunk or Treat at Children’s Park lot?
    2. Anyone want to be Banner bearer at end of parade?


  1. Real Men Wear Pink:  Planning Meeting Tuesday August 27th at 6:30pm at Northern Flooring  
    1. September 10-12 Pink Chair Relay Style at Northern Flooring
    2. September 15:  Boobs Toobs and Dudes fundraiser at Greens Park.  Noon – 3pm, $25 entry. Pink tubes, pink drinks in the water, music
    3. Other ideas – promotions at stores
    4. Other collaborator ideas: Molly of Pink Fund, Heritage comfort group
    5. For updates: and
  2. Babes On Broadway:  October 10th, tickets at
    1. Tickets: $30 regular, $100 VIP
    2. Proceeds to Love, Inc., a local charity
    3. Please contact Patricia Duke ( or 248-496-4351) for questions about this event.  Thank you to everyone who is participating.  25 stores, 10 gents so far.
  3. Zombie Walk: September 21st 8pm – Midnight
    1. $5 entry, +$10 Poker Run
    2. All proceeds to Orion Lighted Holiday Parade
  4. Heritage Holiday Art Fest:  Sunday, December 1st, 11am – 5pm
    1. Invite your Artist friends to sell in your store
    2. Annual event by Heritage Spinning & Weaving, Joan invites all to participate and cross promote
  5. Holiday Lights – White, Green, Blue LEDs
    1. Talk to Lloyd Coe for quote as well as commercial providers
    2. Contact DDA office if you:
      1. Want to order lights with the DDA (for price break)
      2. Want to hire someone to hang your lights on your building
  6. Snow – push the snow in front of your building all the way to the street for DPW pickup
    1. Send contract information to Garrett Hoffman, he has connections.
    2. Business owners stressed the importance of safety in the parking lots for employees and customers

Education: Jon Schallert, September 5, 2019 at LOUMC 8am – 2pm

  1. Please register at Facebook event page:
  2. Lunch will be provided
  3. Sponsored by Main Street Oakland County, all are welcome to morning session
  4. Afternoon session for LLO Businesses only

Main Street Oakland County – business connect, Joe Frost is Liason

  1. Benefits Brochure
  2. Updates to their website and social media  – 20th year coordinating 
  3. National Main street – 40th year
  4. Design Assistance – There is a form to request this, turnaround is 4-6 weeks.  Joe Frost took photo of Builders Custom Flooring, Kathy Coe says they are interested for their building (Ed’s Broadway Gifts & Costumes)
  5. Regional Assistance:  Lodging is a need in Oxford/Lake Orion area
  6. Event Best Practices:  Joe will ask for examples of Best Practice brochures provided by municipalities for downtown events.
  7. Cross promotional coordination between Oxford and Lake Orion

Next meeting scheduled for September 24, 2019, 8:30am at ABeanToGo