Business Partner’s Power Hour

Download and view past meetings, review materials of note stay up to date on the happenings downtown.

March 11th, 2021


1. Chief Rossman: ‘Help Us, Help You’
2. Power Tutorial: Digital Marketing by James Jenkins, Beasley Media
3. E-Newsletters: Tips to make sure you are getting the latest information
4. Downtown Dollar updates
5. Workshops
6. Social District Nights: March Plans
7. Other events: Flower Fair, May 21-23; Jubilee, June 24-27 (Fireworks June 26th)
8. Feedback

Targeted Media Presentation by James Jenkins and Chris Brunt of Beasley Media Group

February 11th, 2021


1. DDA Business Partners Portal Roll Out

2. Marketing Training Session by Birney Directive

3. Upcoming Events and Promotions

4. Board Meeting Results

5. Welcome Downtown Ambassadors