DIA Art talks at 20 Front St.

High ceilings, round chandeliers and art on the walls.

To further enhance this cultural event 20 Front Street, along with Downtown Lake Orion and the Orion Art Center, invites all community members to participate in a free Speakers Series. Enjoy looking at and hearing about artwork from the Detroit Institute of Art presented by DIA staff and volunteers in a series of four art presentations in the listening room throughout the summer at 1 pm on Thursday afternoons. No reservations are required for these presentations. After the Art talks, join us right next door to the listening room at our Social Café and enjoy tea, coffee, lattes, kombucha, and sweets.

July 11                  The Rivera Murals and the DIA overview

July 25                   Art Revolution

August 8               Women in Art

August 22            Women Photographers

Sculpture of "the Thinker" outside the Detroit Institute of Arts