Village of Lake Orion Watermain
Village of Lake Orion watermain was installed May 6, 2020 in greenbelt of SB M-24 near Flint St.
Crews are still working at Indianwood Rd. and are currently waiting for MissDig to move forward. MissDig was scheduled to be on site Monday May 11th. Crews are scheduled to be done with all work in the area by Tuesday May 12th , weather permitting.
Curb and Driveway Removals
Curb and driveway removals on SB M-24 right lane from Indianwood Rd. south to Goldengate are ongoing. Curb and driveway removals are on track to be finished by the end of the week. Indianwood Rd. and Goldendgate are scheduled be paved beginning in late June.
Bridge Work
Bridge work consists of joint replacement and widening the sidewalk and placing a raised median. Southbound bridge work will go concurrently.
Additional Signs
MDOT will NOT place “Driveway Open” signs for businesses. Businesses can, however, place their own signs, but they will be removed if they are obstructing the contractor’s path.