Facade Grant Program
restoring and maintaining our downtown
Historic Building Restoration Is Crucial For Our Downtown
Each year, the Lake Orion Downtown Development Authority budgets for a Facade Grant Program to assist property owners with rehabilitation projects; including, restoration of storefronts, window and door repairs, signage, awnings, and limited painting projects. Regular maintenance or proposed work that compromises the historic integrity of a property is ineligible for funding. This is a grant reimbursement award, funded at the discretion of the DDA Board and its subcommittees. Applicants are subject to various reviews and all awards are subject to available funding.
This program has recently been revised to allow the LODDA to target properties with historic significance and allow for larger rehabilitation projects. This program is still a voluntary, local grant award to encourage proper treatment of historic properties. It has been re-designed to incentivize projects that follow the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. Eligible properties may receive up to $20,000 toward rehabilitation, with additional funds available for preliminary architectural drawings and exploratory demolition. The grant program requires a 30/70 match and is paid after work is complete.
In August 2006, the Village of Lake Orion was added to the National Register of Historic Places. Historic designation can raise property value and is an important aspect of a community’s economic development. Proper treatment while restoring an historic property may qualify it for state and federal historic tax credits. As a Nationally Registered Historic District, and fully accredited Main Street program, we adhere to the basic principal of economic development through historic preservation.
We are excited about the opportunities that this re-designed program can offer our local property and business owners to preserve our unique character, and our historic resources. Please contact the DDA Office if you feel your property is a candidate for this special assistance.