Below is a partial listing of the many benefits Main Street brings to our community.
For Property Owners
- Increased occupancy rates
- Rent stabilization or increase
- Increased property values
- Increases stability
- Reduced vandalism / crime
- Assistance with tax credits, grants, loan programs, design and cooperative maintenance.
- Communication medium with other property owners
- Better image
- New uses on upper floors
For Retail Business Owners
- Increased sales
- Improved image
- Increased value of business
- Coordinated efforts between local businesses and franchises
- Quality of business life
- Educational opportunities (seminars, workshops)
- Increased traffic
- District marketing strategies (promotion and advertising)
- Better business mix
- New market groups downtown
- Have needs / issues addressed
For Service Business Owners
- Image / building improvements
- New / renewed / repeated exposure
- Increased variety of services
- Healthier economy generates new / more business
- Increased competition means more aggressive business styles
- Tapping leakage
- Increased population, new customers
- Improved image creates new market
For Local Residents and Consumers
- Community pride
- Enhanced marketplace (better shopping and the benefits of shopping locally)
- Social / cultural activities
- Opportunities to keep kids in town
- Better communication
- Political advocate
- Home values increase