Flint Street Alleyway
The Flint Street alleyway is located on East Flint St. between IdealCore Pilates and Salon U. Originally it was just your typical alleyway – dirty and empty, except for a few cigarette butts. Several DDA volunteers (including MSOC 2017 Volunteer of the year, Scott Reynolds) decided to turn the alleyway into a nicer space and give it a face-lift. First, they worked with Main Street Oakland County to come up with a design. Then, with a shoestring budget, a few strings of lights and a weekend working with some pallets and a nail gun, they turned the alleyway into a destination to take senior photos, selfies, even the Zombies come through in the fall! During Flower Fair, the alleyway is transformed into a Beer Garden and has been a tremendous hit!
In addition, renovation of commercial historic properties are eligible for federal tax credits, if criteria is met. The project was a collaborative effort, the majority of which was funded by the Downtown Development Authority and Orion Township, with some additional money coming from the Orion Historical Society.
The Flint St. Alleyway Project

Approximately 150 people attended, including State Representatives John Reilly and Jim Tedder, John Burt (the initial investor for the project) of John Burt Realty, plus his wife Julie and their whole staff. There was also the Community Liaison for Main Street Oakland County, Joe Frost, representatives of the Village Board, Brad Mathisen, and Doug Hobbs, DDA Board members, Anthony Reighard, Rob Romain, Monica Squarcia, Kristin Horvath, Debbie Burgess, Jordan Knudsen and Orion Township Supervisor Chris Barnett, Lake Orion Chief of Police, Jerry Narsh, and Village Manager, Joe Young, OACC president, Matt Pfeiffer, and the Chamber staff, Kim, Jillian and Carla, as well as Collin McDonough from the Michigan Board of Realtors plus a number of residents, volunteers and local business owners.
Thank you to Steve Taylor for providing music (it was awesome!), Lockhart’s BBQ and Fork N’ Pint for the food (it was delicious!) and to The Event Place for making it all beautiful! (It really was!)
What started as a dream has now become an amazing reality! (Thanks to Orser Studio and the Lake Orion Review for the pictures!)
Thanks to Eric Barlow and Jordan Knudsen of Knude Products for building and installing the brand new, gateway signs! Great job!
Thanks again to Tracy, Jordan Knudsen of Knude Products and all of the volunteers whose hard work and dedication made this place-making project possible. And thanks to our grant-writer Wanda Norman, for her hard work writing and submitting the grant!