Become a Sponsor

Downtown lake orion sponsorship opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

2024-2025 Sponsorships

Our friends at the Lake Orion Downtown Development Authority are excited for a year full of fun events that feature our Historic Downtown and wonderful business community. With these events come some amazing ways to get involved as a sponsor. Event sponsorship is not only a great way to give back to your community, but also an excellent way to promote your business.

The 2024 event calendar is full of exciting events and opportunities for local businesses to get involved. We are proud to announce that we are still partnering with the Oxford DDA for a number of events this year through our #StrongerTogether Event Series. These events will have the benefit of providing sponsors outreach in both communities. Support from our sponsors will allow the Lake Orion DDA to continue to grow and improve our downtown as the Heart and Hub of the Orion Community.