Downtown Lake Orion

Downtown Development Authority

We Are Lake Orion

What started as a playground destination back in the 1800’s continues to be a place where you come to enjoy life! It’s where the lakes start and your worries end. Where relaxation finds its way into everyday life.

This is Lake Orion, and we are the Heart & Hub of the Orion Community. Filled with friendly, fun and welcoming people, we’re dedicated to art, music and preserving our historic heritage. You can see visions of this rich heritage being realized today, with a fresh face in our historic downtown, dragons around every corner and new businesses saying YES to economic development.

We invite you to take a stroll through our downtown. Dine with us, listen to music and discover our unique traditions. Whether you’re new or if you already live, work and play here, you’ll love spending time in Lake Orion, where living is a vacation!

A Welcoming Place

You can tell Lake Orion is a special place because the people born and brought up here actually STAY here. Unlike other communities where people grow up and move away, our residents remain close to home because they appreciate its natural beauty, abundant resources and welcoming sense of community. Many of these people enjoy sharing their skills, connections, and expertise by joining one of our committees. 

For more details about the focus of each committee, click this link to see our volunteer page for more information.









Downtown Events for Everyone to Enjoy

Lake Orion is host to many events throughout the year. From our annual Flower Fair, Dragon On the Lake, Lake Orion Jubilee, Sing & Stroll, Lighted Christmas Parade and so much more, there’s an event for everyone to enjoy! Click here to get a quick view list of our downtown events.

Shop & Dine

Retail shops, restaurants, music venues and many services make up Lake Orion’s charming downtown. Check out our business directory complete information on our downtown businesses.



Lake Orion is home to trails, parks, and of course – Lake Orion! There are endless activities to engage in from boating, enjoying the Belle Trailhead, Polly Ann or Paint Creek Trail, or spending the day in one our beautiful parks!


Lake Orion Is A Main Street America Accredited Program

What other benefits does Lake Orion stand to lose?

As a Main Street America accredited program, Lake Orion benefits from:

    • Over $80k annually Main Street services from county, state, and national resources
    • Over $50k annually in local, county, state and national recognition
    • $100k small business grants, scholarships and programs
    • $250k development liquor licenses for downtown restaurants

Downtown Management continues

    • Enhanced pedestrian safety – lighting and sidewalks
    • Additional parking
    • Downtown dumpsters
    • More park and event space

Award Winning Community

Lake Orion has received numerous awards for our work in revitalizing and improving our community’s downtown.
These awards include:

Campaign for Main Street – (#StrongerTogether Orion & Oxford) 2022
Main Street Leader – Ken VanPortfliet 2022
Spirit of Main Street – 2019
Out in the Open – Flint Street Alleyway 2019 
Spirit of Main Street – 2017

#LO Updates

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DDA Lumberyard Site Project

Informational meeting March 7th at 6:30pm

Molly LaLone, Executive Director of the Lake Orion DDA and Scott Reynolds of AKA Architects gives some information on the upcoming DDA Lumberyard Site Presentation. There will be an informational meeting at the Village Chambers on March 7th at 6:30pm if you want more information. You can also email them at

DDA purchase of the lumberyard property environmental due diligence and liability protection under Michigan law


Sponsorship Opportunities

2023-2024 Sponsorships

Our friends at the Lake Orion Downtown Development Authority are excited for a year full of fun events that feature our Historic Downtown and wonderful business community. With these events come some amazing ways to get involved as a sponsor. Event sponsorship is not only a great way to give back to your community, but also an excellent way to promote your business.

The 2023 event calendar is full of exciting events and opportunities for local businesses to get involved. We are proud to announce that we are still partnering with the Oxford DDA for a number of events this year through our #StrongerTogether Event Series. These events will have the benefit of providing sponsors outreach in both communities. Support from our sponsors will allow the Lake Orion DDA to continue to grow and improve our downtown as the Heart and Hub of the Orion Community.

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