Village of Lake Orion Watermain
Village of Lake Orion watermain was installed May 6, 2020 in greenbelt of SB
M-24 near Flint St.
Heights Rd. is now open, repavement still in process and expected to be finished soon.
M24 south of Drahner Rd.
Stage 2 – Rehab
New curb, driveway, and sidewalk are currently being placed along SB M-24 from Indianwood Rd. to Goldengate St.
Driveways are being gapped to maintain access by MDOT/Dan’s Excavating. Crews are tentatively scheduled to complete all work by the end of this week. Once all curb and gutter and driveway work are completed, crews will move on to temporarily lowering of structures, asphalt conditioning and milling the pavement. The traffic shift for SB M-24 between Drahner Rd. and Goldengate St. (Stage 2) was completed on Saturday May 16th.
Southbound lanes of M-24 between Indianwood and Goldendgate are scheduled to be paved beginning in late June.
Curb and Driveway Removals
Curb and driveway removals on SB M-24 right lane from Indianwood Rd. south to Goldengate are ongoing. Curb and driveway removals are on track to be finished by the end of the week. Indianwood Rd. and Goldendgate are scheduled be paved beginning in late June.